• Category Archives Fine Land
  • Preparing Your Kelowna Home For Sale


    preparing your home

    When getting your Kelowna home ready for sale

    You may be wondering what you need to do to get your home ready for the market.  Kelowna Realtor Andrew Smith offers this advice based on the concept of staging a house for sale and will give you some good tips to help you on your way.

    When an expert stages a home, prospective buyers get a sense of the flow of the home and can visualize living there. Often sellers think they are staging their house because they had some of their belongings and packed some stuff away, but that is just cleaning and organizing your house-not staging. Skilled staging can boost home selling and for the best price possible.

    As a stage, many like to work with the furniture you already have. It cuts down on the cost for you, and it gives your stage a design challenge, which most will gladly take on. Your home stager can run between $500 to $1000. In case you have to stage multiple rooms with their pieces in can run anywhere from $2000 to $5000. Talking with a professional stager will give you the answer you need for your own home.

    The cost of a home stager will vary as each job site will have different requirements, and each seller will have different expectations. Some stagers will initially charge for the consultation, then add on for the furniture rental, set-up, and tear-down as well as the time needed for the furniture rental. It is hugely beneficial when listing your home, whether vacant or owner-occupied. Many stages will just charge a one-month minimum and then go month to month till you get it sold.

    Staging a home is no longer a new concept, but a vital idea of home marketing which helps in building the brand and value of your home. Consulting a real estate agent, to see if they incorporate this into their marketing plan as many agents are quite capable of making staging suggestions to you so that you can do the work yourself. Various homes from different places have buyers with diverse expectations and your local real estate agent will have a good feel for your market.

    Starting the process of preparing your home ready for market is something that one should always delve into early on, as to permit enough time to get it market ready. In the long run, starting early will allow you to save yourself money, time on the market, and lots of stress. View more info at https://www.okanaganbc.com

  • Looking for Fine Land

    Posted on by jack

    Looking for fine land in any community is a challenge. Whether it is acreage or just a lot there is always a challenge to find the exact property that you want at the exact price that you are hoping to pay for it

    Many people find that they have to either reconsider their needs and wants and priorities the things that are absolutely necessary.


    The challenge is deciding if you should find more financing or maybe lower your expectations and choose a smaller Kelowna property